Sunday 25 March 2012


I haven't posted for a few weeks, mostly because I have been thinking long and hard about my plans for a new blog.  I have come to a decision on a few things.

I really love posting on this blog about my life and the things I get up to. I also have my inspiration blog on Tumblr where I can post bits and pieces and inspirational links. The next step is to set up my domestic blog.

I want a place where I can share my domestic adventures in a more practical way, a place where I can post hints and tips, recipes, craft projects, DIY and other household related bits and pieces that others may find helpful. I have said before that the net is flooded with US-based homemaking sites which are all great (see some inspiration below). I think it's time I made a UK version.

For inspiration, the following websites are great:

I'm an Organizing Junkie

Domestic Adventure

Simple Mom

Hip Girl's Guide to Homemaking

I am really excited to get started.....the only thing missing is a blog title!

Sunday 11 March 2012

I'm de-cluttering....

This couldn't have come around at a better time! Just when I was starting to think about sorting out my junk and stuff I am not taking with me when I move. I might not have the time to do a whole room in a week (or in my case, a weekend) but I can at least use it as a starting point. :-) xx

Home organisation....

I am not a naturally organised person, if such a thing exists at all. I love the idea of being organised but it isn't something that just happens. It's something I really have to work on. As I start to plan my upcoming move, I have been thinking about making a household management book so I can keep on track of my life and my home and, eventually, my family. I did try and start one a few years back but it failed miserably and when I moved out to live on my own again I found I didn't really need one so much.

I have a small collection of home making books that I peruse occasionally for home ideas, etc. One of my favourites is "Cut the Clutter" by Cynthia Townley Ewer of This book gave me the idea of having a household notebook in the first place and the website has a wealth of great printable templates and forms to use.

A quick search on the internet leads to so much more, including You Tube videos of various homemaking blogger's own household planners.....all very American of course. I don't think I have found a single British one! I think we Brits can learn a lot from our friends across the pond. Yes, there can be a lot of Christian influences which might be off-putting to us non-religious types but, to be brutally honest, maybe   a few Christian values are exactly what this country needs. I'm not saying we should all start going to church every Sunday, just bring back a little more emphasis on the importance of family and community.

Anyway, getting back to the subject of this post. I have a general idea of how I want to organise my notebook:

1. Calendar/Schedule:  daily to do list, whole year planner and monthly pages, probably two months at a time.

2. Home:  cleaning checklists, supply lists, homemade cleaning recipes, etc.

3. Food:  larder and freezer inventories, menu planner and shopping lists, recipes to try and coupons

4. Bills and Finance:  receipts, master list of bills and when they are paid, list of other outgoings that are due such as car tax or MOT, insurance renewals, etc.

5. Contacts:  family phone numbers, utilities, emergency contacts, etc

6. Seasonal:  christmas planning, holiday plans, etc

7. Projects:  details of current home projects. My house move would be the first entry here!

I have been looking around for a folder to use but nothing has caught my eye yet. I really want dividers with that so hard??!

The idea is that I will have three calendars: a general scheduling calendar in section one, a menu planning one in section 3 and a finance one in section 4. Every evening I will fill in my to-do list for the next day using these calendars and the cleaning checklists. The bills/finance calendar will be used for irregular expenses like birthday presents and car tax.

Hopefully this won't be too complicated! I can just imagine that a single calendar will get so full that I won't know where I am.

This video from has some more great ideas. I especially like the ideas folder.

Thursday 8 March 2012

A slightly new direction....

I have been thinking for the last few days about a number of things to do with my life, moving house and blogging. Right now they all seem to be connected.

I started this blog purely as a way of writing down my comings and goings, charting my life in words and pictures. I wasn't really bothered if anyone read it, I just wanted a little place in cyberspace where I could write about whatever I wanted which included charity work, everyday stuff, baking and making. I know the last two have kind of been left out recently but that's another story!

Anyway, ever since Em and I started talking about moving in together, my life up until now has suddenly seemed a little meaningless. This probably sounds more dramatic than I intend. Basically I can see a real future now and I want everything else that I do to be worthwhile and have meaning too. I don't want to be stuck writing this blog for the next 40 years with little to show for it. I want people to enjoy what I write and maybe, just maybe, be inspired a little too.

With that in mind I felt I had a light dilemma. I am really enjoying reading and posting about home decorating ideas and everything that goes with home making; recipes, crafts, DIY, all that stuff. I really think if I keep at it I can even make it successful. But, I also love posting about my life, especially as it changes and Em and I start our little family. I can't wait to post photos and write about the things we do as we build our life together. So, the question is, do I start a new blog or keep everything in one place?

My instincts told me I should set up a blog specifically for my more professional interests and keep it separate from my personal one. Something like a notepad or ideas board where I can post about my projects and other stuff. Watch this space for the link when it's up and running. xx

Wednesday 7 March 2012

A little bit of down time...

You can tell when I have my nose stuck in my blog posts appear for a week.

I'm still looking for inspiration whenever I get a little break. I found this lovely photo on the Inspired Home which reminded me it's so nearly springtime...

My essay is all done so I'll be back on track tomorrow. :-) xx

Thursday 1 March 2012

Finding my style....

This isn't the easiest thing in the world to do. I  know what I  like and what I  don't, but as far as knowing what my actual design style is....that's a little more tricky. But is it really all that important to know your exact style? Surely if you like something, you incorporate it into your existing surroundings or use it a inspiration for producing a room you love.

The Inspired Room has some lovely words here on finding your style: Inspired By Life: Finding Your Style - The Inspired Room. I especially like the part about creating rooms to "inspire and accommodate your life". This is great advice and something I will definitely use when it comes to creating a space that is not only for me but for Em too as we build our life together.

I like simplicity too. Our homes should be a reflection of our lives and not look like it was contrived to look that way.

Just for fun, I  took a What's Your Design Style Quiz from HomeGoods and the outcome was fairly standard. I  do want a welcoming home that is comfy and cosy. I  also love bright early colours like greens and yellow.


You're interested in creating a welcoming home where people feel comfortable and happiness flourishes. You appreciate the warmth and individuality of natural materials and handcrafted things and are inspired by colors and forms from nature. You love mixing up different textures and are sensitive to the tactile qualities of objects. Your style is grounded and solid, not flighty or frilly. And you are never taken in by the trend of the moment.

You value serenity. While there are probably a lot of interesting things in your home, they are joined by your taste or a certain palette that keeps them in harmony. You appreciate the beauty in simple forms. Whether fancy or plain, you appreciate things that are well made and function as well as they look. You also have a strong respect for the environment and craftsmanship. You care about how things are made, and how they are used."

Finally, here is some colour inspiration:

Monday 27 February 2012

Decorating ideas....

Some of my favourites. The rest are on Pinterest.

This is from The Inspired Room

These two are from the Dulux website

I especially love the colour scheme of the last picture. It would be good in a small room.
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